
All the information contained in this document (hereafter, “Information”) is as of the date of preparation of this document. In presenting this document, FiNANCiE, Inc. (hereafter, “Issuer”) does not guarantee or represent its accuracy or completeness as of the date of preparation of this document or in the future. The Issuer shall not be liable for any loss or damage, including compensation for damages, incurred by any person obtaining this information as a result of the use of this Information.

This publication contains information on intellectual property rights to which the Issuer is entitled. Please do not reproduce, disclose, or use this information, in whole or in part, without the permission of the Issuer.

The Issuer may change the Information without notice in consultation with the relevant authorities and other relevant parties.

FiNANCiE token (hereafter, “FNCT”) are crypto assets as defined in the Payment Services Act and are not securities or other financial instruments. This document is intended to provide general information on FNCT and is not a solicitation to purchase, hold, or trade FNCT, nor a prospectus.

This Whitepaper is an abridged translation of the Japanese version. If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the Japanese version and this English version, the Japanese version shall take precedence over this English version.

FiNANCiE(https://financie.jp) is a service available only for users who are living in Japan. Some or all of FNCT utility may not be available depending on where you live.

Last updated